Sunday, April 28, 2013

How to make money online by designing?

In now a days making money online is very easy job. I have collected most famous links where you can sell your design to earn money online.


99designs is a best platform for logo designers to earn money from their work. 99designs requires good Photoshop and Illustrator skills. If you are good with Adobe Illustrator then sign up there and start making money :)

2. Template/ Theme sales

If you are good at designing and as well as programming then this is the second way to make money, Now there are many websites are available which let you sell your themes for different platforms like wordpress, joomla and most of all content management systems.

3. Stock Photo sales

If you are a good photographer and a have working knowledge about photoshop then The internet is eager to buy your photos. You can create your own photo selling websites or you can publish it to some best sites which let you sell your photographs.

Here is 10 sites which let you sell your photos.

If there is any other option available to earn for designers, then please write into comments :)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Top 10 jQuery and CSS3 Navigation Menus Examples

Navigation menu plays very big roll to design good website.
With the help of latest jQuery and css3 features and customization we can create excellent navigation menu for our website.
Here is list of 10 jQuery and CSS3 navigation menu which is already available for use.

1.jMenu : Demo | Download

Menu is a jQuery plugin that enables us to create horizontal navigations with unlimited sub-menus.
Besides jQuery, it also requires jQuery UI and supports all the effects of this library (like fadeIn or slideDown).
The markup of the menu is pretty clean as it makes use of nested lists.
The look and feel of the output is set in a CSS file so updating it without touching the JS code is possible.

2.Ascensor.js : Demo | Download

"Ascensor is a jquery plugin which aims to train and adapt content according to an elevator system"

3. jQuery Dropdown Login Form : Demo | Download

A Simple and Effective jQuery Dropdown Login Form

4. Horizontal Nav : Demo | Download

HorizontalNav is a jQuery plugin that spans a horizontal navigation to fit the full width of it's container. If you've ever had to create this effect on a project, you'll know it's pretty annoying to do. But this plugin makes it easy and adds support for IE7.

5. jQuery Navigation Plugin : Download

jQuery Navigation Plugin Two possible nav effects so far: 'fade' and 'slide'.I may add support for jQuery UI easing effects. It would be pretty easy, but not sure how good it would look To do:1. Make a vertical menu as well as the horizontal menu I have already.2. Make the right side subitems fall to the left of the dropdown. Have the menu intelligently decide what side the submenu should fall on.3. Make a fixed width or 'auto' width option for the top level items. This has proved difficult to support on IE. Settings: itemWidth - Integer - width of each individual nav itemitemHeight - Integer - height of each individual nav itemnavEffect - String - "slide","fade"; two options at the moment. slide or fade. Default has no effectspeed - Integer - the speed of the tranition effectvertical - Boolean - default is a horizontal menu with vertical dropdowns. true - the top row is vertical

6. Automatic Ajax jQuery Navigation : Download

The goal of refresh plugin is to simply refresh through an automatic ajax call any element of the page.
7. Kwicks for jQuery : Download

Kwicks for jQuery started off as a port of the insatiably attractive Mootools effect (of the same name), but has evolved into a highly customizable and versatile widget. 

8. Casper JS : Download

CasperJS is an open source navigation scripting & testing utility written in Javascript and based on PhantomJS — the scriptable headless WebKit engine. It eases the process of defining a full navigation scenario and provides useful high-level functions, methods & syntactic sugar for doing common tasks such as:

defining & ordering browsing navigation steps
filling & submitting forms
clicking & following links
capturing screenshots of a page (or part of it)
testing remote DOM
logging events
downloading resources, including binary ones
writing functional test suites, saving results as JUnit XML
scraping Web contents

9. Bootstrap Image gallery : Demo Download

Bootstrap Image Gallery is an extension to the Modal dialog of Twitter’s Bootstrap toolkit, to ease navigation between a set of gallery images. It features mouse and keyboard navigation, transition effects, fullscreen mode and slideshow functionality.

10. HTML5/CSS3 Gray Navigation Menu : Demo | Download

Today’s freebie is another navigation menu, but, this time, one built using only HTML5 and CSS3.
No images were used, just CSS. It is cross-browser compatible and was optimized for IE7 and above.

Wordpress Sidebar Widget: Addon for Theme Switcher Plugin

1.Theme Switch and Preview : Download

Allows admins or all visitors to switch the blog theme. Has a restricted preview mode for your clients and includes a widget.

2.Theme Switcher : Download

Allow users to switch which theme they use on your WordPress, WordPress MU, or BuddyPress site. Includes a widget for easily putting the theme-switcher as a list or dropdown in your sidebar.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

10 best free Wordpress themes April 2013

It is time taking job to find most suitable wordpress theme to match with our criteria. I have been looking for best wordpress themes available to download for free for this month. And some of themes catch my eye and so I thought to share it with all webmaster who use wordpress for business.

(1) Viper Preview / Download

(2) Nomad Preview / Download

(3) Sosa Preview / Download

(4) Shuttershot Preview / Download

(5) Reporter Preview/Download

(6) Playbook Preview / Download (requires sign up to download).

(7) Pagelines Preview / Download

(8) Sampression Lite Preview/ Download

(9) Infoway Preview / Download 

(10) zeeBizzCard Preview/ Download

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Unique search engine optimization (seo) tips for beginners

Once you finish designing your website second step is getting visitors to your blog or website. Search engine optimization plays very big roll into it.

Search engine optimization is a technique that allows a website to get more visitors from search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, altavista etc.

Important part in making search engine friendly website is

  • Website/Page Title
Page title is very important part in SEO it is added into title tag. <title>Your Page</title>
  • Meta Description
  • Meta Keywords
Meta description and meta keyword is not major facter search engines consider when they rank sites but it  plays very big role by telling crawling robots about page and its content.
The meta description tag looks like

<meta name="description" content="details about your page.">

  • Header tags
<h1>,<h2>, <h3> <b> ,<i> etc are the header tags.

Header tags is easy way to help your website visitors by using bold, italic tags with the help of this tags users can notice important items from your page.

  • Link structure
 Link structure is about page depth, Internal links, back links to your site! Suppose you website has imporant page,But If it take 5-6 clicks to reach there which gives bad impression and remains hidden most of the time. You should try to optimize site in a such way that visitors can access webpage with maximum 3 to 4 clicks.

to know more in deep you can use Search engine optimization starter guide by google! click here

Friday, April 19, 2013

Basic Commands in Linux

To work in a Linux command, The user should select 'Terminal' mode.
(open: CLT+ALT+F1 close: CLT+ALT+F7)

In Linux # indicates admin(root) user and $ indicates the default/normal user.

  • $logname : This command display the current username.

  • $pwd : This command display the present working directory.

  • $clear : This command clears the screen.

  • $logout : This command logout used from the current user.

  • $date : This command displays date and time.

  • $who am i : This command use to display current username, terminal number, date and time at which you logged in the system.

  • $who : This commnad display information about all users who logged into the system.

i.e each username, ternimal number, date and time at which the users logged into the system.

  • $finger : It displays complete information about all users who logged into the system.

  • $cal : This command display previous/current calender.

$cal year 
usage : $cal 2013
$cal month year
usage: $cal 3 2012

  • $init : This command is use to change the system behaviour at run level.
#init 1 : This command bring the system to single usermode.
#init 2 : This command brings the system to multi usermode.
#init 3 : This command brings the system to multiuser mode with resource shared.
#init 6 : This command hunts and reboot the system to default run level.

Introduction to Linux

Linux is an open source version of the UNIX operating system that envolveed from a kernel created by Linus Torvalds

Linux Stands for Linu's Unix version.

People have been developing operating systems based on open source code of the Linux Kernel.
for example Ubuntu.

Originally Linux was developed based on the Unix, But now it it just not another flavor of Unix.

Today Linux is stable and versatile operating system and most chosen operating system as network server.